Ashleigh “py” Hetrick

The bright, playful characters in Ashleigh Hetrick‘s portfolio will dance, wiggle and hop right out of your monitor. These youngsters are born of many styles of illustration, but none more so than Anime. Yet, this alone cannot explain their infectious mirth.
There are also a few familiar faces to be found among Ashleigh’s creations, including a young airbender and a famous feisty fairy, but two characters that keep popping up offer insight into the curious mix of fantasy and commonality found within Ms. Hetrick’s colorful world. Both Chance and Jacen occasionally sport distinctive eyewear and strike dramatic poses, but they are equally likely to be found just hanging out. It’s as if they’re sometimes struck by the urge to become superheroic… for no reason at all.
There’s plenty of reason, however, to appreciate Ashleigh’s expressive art, and curious little corner of the web.
Written by Jeff in February of 2008. Last edited May 2015.
That’s our Ash!
PyaPapaya FTW
Ashleigh has a posse!