
Darling Monsters

image by Veronica V. Jones

Annie Rodrigue

A mannered elf in a green dress holds and admires a bright red cardinal.
A fairy with brown hair, translucent wings and brown bark clothing.
A doll-like girl with flowing brown hair, large evil eyes and small black wings.

If flights of fantasy are born in childhood, it may be surprising to find that they cannot be fully explored or shared without the experience and maturity that comes with time. Annie Rodrigue clearly has the illustration skills to realize her visions, while keeping a clear eye on the dreams and nightmares of her youth.

Brave heroes, mischievous sprites, whimsical wisps are all captured with childlike glee in Ms. Rodrigue’s works, with only a hint of malice in their eyes. Bold colors and watercolor washes reveal serene scenes and precocious perils in mythical ponds and ancient forests, illuminated by moonlit skies and magical energies.

While a few of Annie’s characters have more than their fair share of wickedness, the majority of her creations will no doubt bring back fond memories of your own childhood friends…. real or imaginary.

Written by in December of 2009. Last edited April 2017.

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