
Darkly Dreaming Demons

image by Veronica V. Jones

Frightful Fairies and Sullen Succubi

A group of frenzied fairies struggle for a prized cherry.
A pink fairy with mint-green hair and orange wings writhes.
A woman in futuristic armor stands triumphantly atop a sullen succubus.

About this time last year, our Mr. Darkly started a slow, steady trickle of fanciful fairy figures in a wide array of creative color combinations. They were cute, a little underdressed, and far too jittery, so the effort didn’t quite warrant a mention.

Recently, however, the string of salacious sprites has been broken by an updated, but no less improbable portrait of a futuristic demon hunter and her curvaceous captive. Rumor has it that Jon’s next project will also feature demonic damsel fighting a more classical foe: an bright and shining angel.

With a bit of luck, this proposed piece will be included in the batch of Jon’s lenticular stereo images we’ll bring to Origins — along with Veronica‘s dog and pony show — in three weeks time.

Written by in June of 2009. Last edited March 2015.

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