Trouble in the UK… Zombie Trouble

Mata’s hastily scrawled note begins: “The power died around 6pm yesterday. It came on again at 8 and there was nothing about it on the news. It went out again a couple of hours later. At 3 in the morning there was a car crash outside, and when I went out to see if I could help….”. Read the rest for yourself.
Meanwhile, Steve seems to have made it to his office in one piece, but he should definitely stay away from that rally!
Written by Jeff in June of 2008. Last edited March 2017.
Needless to say, no one in the school survived.
Could this have anything to do with the rabid man I saw on my way to work this morning?
Like i told that elf guy you have got to get out of denial. It gets you dead – or worse. Something is different this time. The old rules don’t seem to apply – at least not here in Pennsylvania where we’re used to zombie outbreaks. Stay vigilant. I was so stupid to visit a cemetery today. I’ll try to keep updates going from Pennsylvania, USA as the day goes on and the utilities keep working.