
Cartoon Creatures

image by Veronica V. Jones

Sarah Mensinga

A green-skinned little girl with big hair and a white dress looks up.
A woman with long pale hair and a green billowy dress stands ominously.
A langy, hairy brute contemplates his fist.
A white-haired girl in a black dress and gloves is accompanied by a surly winged rabbit.

Raw innocence and persistent cheerfulness are clear hallmarks of Sarah Mensinga‘s work, with only occasional counterpoints of gloom and malice. Her wildly stylistic work is firmly rooted in both comic book and fairytale aesthetics.

With a willful disregard for time and place, her sketches are peopled with wide-eyed girls, scraggly boys, and spunky forest creatures. Without backgrounds to distract the viewer, the are the very essence of character.

Ms. Mensinga’s graphic novel project, however, looks to created from whole cloth in a peculiar, atmospheric land of her own making. However distant their source, her art is certainly worth the journey.

Written by in March of 2008. Last edited April 2017.

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  • chris - August 12th, 2008 at 2:44 pm

    wow i’m ispired and i love you with all my art

  • Himanshu - October 21st, 2008 at 7:32 am

    Excellent stuff!! but this is just not enough..will love to some more work!

  • Jeff - October 21st, 2008 at 7:48 am

    Want more art? Start clicking those links! 🙂