
image by Veronica V. Jones

Natascha Roeoesli

A slender woman with short white hair crouches with a crow on her knee
A veiled woman with dark hair pets a large, sleek dragon.
A man with long black hair, an eye patch and plate armor grimaces in pain.
A woman with short brown hair and antennae beckons you closer.

Portraiture is as old as painting itself, and has typically been a simple idealized “photo” of a subject, devoid of nuance or subtext. Natascha Roeoesli’s somber fantasy portraits — as the best often do — seem detached and timeless, yet manage to capture the swirling subtleties of mood and emotion at play within her subjects.

Ms. Roeoesli favors dark, moody characters, and the subjects of her digital paintings — be they mystical or mundane — are stately, poised… and a little dangerous.

When last we looked, Natascha’s server was art-free. Visit her hosted gallery over here.

Written by in March of 2007. Last edited September 2014.

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