
Powerful Fantasy Heroines

image by Veronica V. Jones

Leanne Buckley

A slender woman with long brown hair and a stylish top leans back.
An angry woman with flowing black hair stares intently.
An intense young woman in a gray bodysuit.

Power comes in many forms, but Leanne Buckley has a flair for lean, lanky women warriors. Her combustible cadre of action heroines are certainly attractive, but their beauty flows from their easy confidence and enviable skills, and not impractical wardrobe selections or improbable dimensions.

Most of Ms. Buckley’s works appear forward looking, even when dealing with historical eras. Her characters often sport bold tattoos and other body modifications, obscuring and enhancing their identities. Whatever their appearance or situation, you can be certain that they aren’t waiting around to be rescued.

Written by in November of 2007. Last edited September 2014.

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