
Timeless Fantasy Heroes

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jeremy Mohler

A man with a mechanical eye examines a glowing chip.
A sketelon coverd in glowing runes wears a firery crown.
An Innuit man stands holding a spear and whip.

Living as we are in the age of instantaneous information access and homogenized Hollywood productions, it can be difficult to keep in mind that fantasy is as old as humanity itself. Mighty heroes of legend and lore were inspiring listeners well before the written word, and we are ably reminded of this through the far-flung artistic projects of Jeremy Mohler.

Ranging from a review of traditional Inuit folklore to a west far wilder than any American history text, Mr. Mohler weaves a compelling spell of imagined and alternate histories. His roleplaying illustrations include the classical epic fantasy fare, and everything between steampunk and cyberpunk. Perhaps the only project more compelling than any of Jeremy’s previous undertakings is his next.

Written by in January of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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