
Imposing Impossible Histories

image by Veronica V. Jones

Steven Belledin

An elf man in green leathers attacks with his spear.
A slender elf in green robes conjures a string of lights.
A woman with long dark hair and a yellow dress looks upward.
A small man in robes with a white beard and green eyes stares warily.
A man with long dark hair and white robes stands defiantly.

Fantasy offers us a limitless expanse of realms within which to explore, and most artists choose their territory quite carefully. Steven Belledin, however, has chosen to roam far and wide across the infinite worldscapes, and offers us a variety a visions from many alternate pasts and futures.

High fantasy heroes fight beside bloodied Greek warriors, and seafaring pirates wield their muskets shoulder to shoulder with spacefaring soldiers. Whatever the age, these noble warriors and wizards stand tall against daunting odds with no small amount of determination.

Nobility, however is not limited to a particular size or shape. as Mr. Belledin celebrates exotic forms as well. Impossibly slender fey and broad dwarves convene amidst the mortals, adding yet another dimension of diversity to his collected works.

In each of these portraits, be they historical or fantastic, Steven realistically depicts the setting, wardrobe and figures of an unseen age with remarkable skill and clarity. Through his vision, he broadens our horizons.

Written by in January of 2012. Last edited September 2014.

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