
Feathered Fantasy Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Brenda Lyons

A young woman with long blond hair is flanked by birds of prey.
A gryphon-eqsue mythological mix plays the pipes.
A winged woman with long dark hair clasps a necklace.

For those intimately familiar with the complexities of the natural world, it is only a small step into the realm of mythological fantasy. Brenda Lyons takes obvious delight in imbuing exotic, wondrous creatures of the mundane world with magical abilities, and honoring their rich mythological traditions.

Gryphons and unicorns feature prominently in Ms. Lyons’ gallery, as do terrestrial birds of prey. Each of these creatures, however, seem equally enchanted in her colorful visions. Almost all of her humanoid figures are given animal aspects as well. While winged women are no stranger to fantasy, angels and fairies here are far more grounded and naturalistic that would otherwise be expected.

Expect a lush, verdant landscape and flights of feathered fantasy when visiting Brenda’s gallery, with spiritual creatures of all shapes and sizes.. and species.

Written by in January of 2010. Last edited April 2017.

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