
Dark Fantasy Dreams

image by Veronica V. Jones

Thom Scott

An angel with long red hair in full armor.
A Draenei woman holding a small creature.
An elf and large wolf in the rain.

In recent times, the world of high fantasy has been revealed as a darker, more sinister place that previously believed. With his somber, determined adventurers, Thom Scott excels in delivering such grim, yet oddly hopeful revelations.

With a demonstrable affinity for dark elves and crazed sorcerers, Mr. Scott depicts a world dominated by powerfully arcane magics and fearsomely enchanted weapons. Armored guardians and wicked beasts are pitted against one another in a constant struggle for supremacy, neither side fully able to claim victory or concede defeat.

It is interesting to note that even Thom’s angels are cloaked in shadow, which calls into question the supposed “evil” nature of the more vicious beasts portrayed in his works. Without these confusing, and perhaps meaningless labels, these characters are passionate enough to appreciate as wondrous portraits of violent beauty.

Written by in August of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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  • scott purdy - November 16th, 2009 at 5:16 am

    I love Thom’s work!