
Intimate Heroics

image by Veronica V. Jones

Marvel Netflix Universe’s Super Humans

Charlie Cox as Daredevil.
Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones.
Jessica Jones
Mike Colter as Luke Cage.
Luke Cage
Elodie Yung as Electra.
Jon Bernthal as The Punisher.
The Punisher
Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple.
Claire Temple

You’ve no doubt witnessed the spectacle that is The Marvel Cinematic Universe and seen the repercussions of a superpowered world, but have you experienced the infinitely more personal struggles of the Marvel Netflix Universe? There are no ancient gods or alien invasions here, only troubled people who just happen to be heroic.

Each series features a classic hero from comicbooks of long ago,

but with a modern flair and a deep documentarian sensibility. Matt Murdoch’s — aka Daredevil‘s — old-testament vengeance, Jessica Jones‘ reluctant return to vigilantism and Luke Cage‘s struggle against corruption are painstakingly portrayed with gritty realism with a touch of the fantastic. Their supporting characters are heroes in their own right, including tortured veterans, skilled assassins and a night nurse who knows too much.

Danny Rand’s transformation into Iron Fist will soon be the next superheroic story to be explored in the Marvel Netflix Universe. We should be assured that his journey of discovery will be as exquisitely etched as those of his future teammates.

Written by in January of 2017. Last edited March 2019.

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