
Philosophical Fun

image by Veronica V. Jones

Megamind’s Accidental Destiny

Megamind looking cocky.
Roxanne Ritchi looking authorative.
Metro Man looking heroic.

Can a person change their destiny, or are we all inexorably drawn towards a particular fate based on our genetic heritage and upbringing? This is just one weighty philosophical quandary posed by the latest DreamWorks animated feature Megamind.

Two alien infants are simultaneously sent from two distant doomed civilizations, and while both land on Earth, their appearance, abilities and adoptive parents are remarkably different. These differences shape their destinies in predictable ways, and they settle into the comfortable roles of hero and villain… at least, at first.

The classical narrative begins to unravel when intrepid reporter Roxxane Ritchi is kidnapped, but unimpressed by Megamind. When the titular villain then kills the heroic Metro Man, Megamind awkwardly accepts Metro City as his ill-gotten reward.

The tortured tale of epic codependency is smooth blend of The Incredibles’ comic book world and the decidedly darker Dr. Horribles Singalong Blog‘s subversive take on the seeming simplistic “Good vs. Evil” dynamic. While the thematic underpinnings may represent a wild romp through the dark side of western philosophy, the script is nimble and the pacing is spot on.

While many will see the brightly colored costumes as yet another harmless superhero cartoon, a few may find themselves wondering about their own formative cosmic accidents that they once considered their undeniable destiny.

Written by in November of 2010. Last edited March 2019.

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  • MegaMan - March 23rd, 2011 at 9:25 am

    although having a new movie is super cool, super cool
    you wanna know the greatest honor this movie gave?
    do you really wanna know? really? i’ll tell you, the greatest honor this movie gave is letting me laugh on the floor. COZ IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! >:DDDD

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