
Apocalypse Averted

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jericho Ends With a Bang… Again!

Skeet Ulrich as Jake Green.
Ashley Scott as Emily Sullivan.
Lennie James as Robert Hawkins.
Sprague Grayden as Heather Lisinski.

The final episode of Jericho‘s tragically short second season, titled “Patriots and Tyrants” aired a few hours ago. It was a powerful showing that offered a satisfying conclusion to what will most likely be the last television episode of the series.

Much like the efforts fans made to keep the show alive, The citizens of Jericho won an important battle, but the larger war is still ahead. Hopefully, a civil war will not be necessary to convince a media outlet to continue this compelling story.

Executive producer Carol Barbee told Sci Fi Wire that attempts are currently being made to find Jericho a new home, but offered no details. Barring a return to the small screen, Ms. Barbee said “There’s definitely an Internet series to be had, and we always talked about a graphic novel, and … a movie.”

However the tale is told, we certainly hope to learn the final fate of the folks from Jericho.

Written by in March of 2008. Last edited October 2020.

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