
You Can't Keep a Good Toon Down.

image by Veronica V. Jones

Fox Can Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!

Fry Leela and Bender in dramatic action poses.
Leela and Fry teasing the head of Matt Groening.
Fry looking out the window.

TVWeek reports that Comedy Central has yoinked Futurama from Fox’s infamous collection of canceled properties. While it seems we might have to wait until 2008 to witness the latest exploits of Frye, Leela, Bender, et. al, this is surely a good day for our species.

David Bernath from Comedy Central says it all: “There is a deep and passionate fan base for this intelligent and very funny show that matches perfectly with our audience and it is great that we can offer them not just the existing library, but something they’ve never seen as well.”

We can hardly wait!

Written by in June of 2006. Last edited March 2019.

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