Wah Chang

Wah Chang with lamp sculpture Captain Kirk holding a phaser, as designed by Wah Chang. Lt. Commander Spock holding a tricorder, as designed by Wah Chang. A Talosian from Star Trek's original pilot The original Gorn, as designed by Wah Chang. The alien puppet Balock, as designed by Wah Chang's studio.

The world of Star Trek is a troubled, but ultimately utopian world of interspecies collaboration and peace, a stark counterpoint to the tumultuous 1960’s in which it was born. Thankfully, Paramount’s newest series, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds remembers its utopian roots, and has even revisited the Classic Trek episode “Balance of Terror” in its first season finale. TOR.com’s biography of Wah Chang reminds us that all the iterations of Star Trek …read more

Star Trek: Lower Decks, the Cure for Kelvin

One Starfleet ensign roughly hanging her arm around a second. Two Starfleet ensigns reading a PADD. A Starfleet vessel. A group of Starfleet officers in mid-combat.

Star Trek: Picard’s Problematic Foundations

Patric Stewart as Jean Luc Picard, sullen action hero. Brent Spiner as dream sequence Data. Isa Briones as the clone that dies, or maybe the clone that lives. Harry Treadaway as a double plus secret Romulan operative.

Can Star Trek be Relevant Again?

Enterprise Warps into the Sunset

Scott Bakula Jolene Blalock Connor Trinneer Dominic Keating Linda Park Anthony Montgomery

Vulcan, Elfin, or Just Plain Evil?

Leonard Nimoy as the Enterprise's Vulcan first officer Spock.