
image by Veronica V. Jones

Can Star Trek be Relevant Again?

The Star Trek Movie Report has frightening, exciting news about a new Star Trek animated series in early development. A run of 6-minute episodes destined for the web is being considered by CBS. But fanboys everywhere are up in arms over the bold decision to rejoin the Federation 150 years after Picard and his crew were last seen in Nemesis.

This generation’s Enterprise is an aging warship past its prime, relegated to patrolling the Romulan border. The Federation too has seen better days, and is reeling from a mysterious attack that has shaken their once-proud alliance.

Trek was best when its writers addressed current issues, and if this new, edgy project makes you feel a little uncomfortable, then so be it. This animated series might just succeed in saving Star Trek, in ways a big-screen prequel could never hope to.

Written by in December of 2006. Last edited September 2014.

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  • Frisky clown - July 29th, 2007 at 12:08 pm

    About time!!! Were prequel’d to death at the moment. Its time to move forward, and I for one am looking forward to this!!!

  • Jeff - August 2nd, 2007 at 1:15 pm

    I’d obviously really like to see this happen, but there’s been no updates. Let’s hope!