
Imaginative Victorian Machinations

image by Veronica V. Jones

Veronica’s Steampunk Exploration

A young woman with red hair and green overalls wields a large wrench.
A young blond woman wearing an ornate jetpack.
A young man riding a mechanical horse.

It has surely been said that those who don’t know alternate history are destined to repeat it. Clearly, then we owe Veronica Jones a great debt for keeping the Late Victorian innovations collectively known as Steampunk foremost in our minds.

Ms. Jones’ research appears to have begun with early methods of conveyance: a young lady equipped with rocket pack and a stout lad riding a mechanical steed are featured. Most recently, a cover for an anthology titled “Real Girls Don’t Rust” finely illustrates the point.

When compared with the classless technology of our modern work, you may find yourself longing for this hidden history. Fortunately, those who do know alternate history are free to repeat it as well.

Written by in March of 2013. Last edited October 2014.

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