Origins 2009 Art Show Report

Once again, in a dark alcove of Columbus, Ohio, a secretive cabal of judges have cast their bones and divined the highlights of this year’s Origins Art Show:
“Sweeny Jack” by David Wong – Best Monochrome
“Stayin’ for Dinner Yet?” by Mike Bocianowski – Best Color
“Dragon Skull” by Brent Barrett – Best 3D/Mixed Media
“Dr. Who” by Jeff Carlisle – Best SciFi *
“Martini Fairy” by Alain Viesca – Best Fantasy
“Lady Britannia” by Jason Banditt Adams – Best Historical *
“Pie Cuthulu” by Echo Chernik – Best Contemporary *
“Ardent” by Chris Pritchard – Best Game
A wide variety of creative skills rounded out the gallery, including the works of: Andrew Bawidamann, Ed Beard Jr., Amanda Becher, Lydia Burris, Gina Canady-Adler, Heather Cornelius, Chris Curran, johnathan darkly, Ren Hastings, Andy Hopp, Veronica Jones, Robert A. Kraus, Heather Kreiter, Amul Kumar, Theresa Mather, Joshua David, Brian Miskelly, Steve Prescott, Nigel Sade, Tony Steele, Charles Urbach, Donna Waltz, Brent Woodside, and Cornelia Yoder.
A larger venue with plenty of ambiance and the able management of Thesser and Giggles helped make this year a show to remember!
* featured image
Written by Jeff in June of 2009. Last edited September 2014.