
image by Veronica V. Jones

Climb Ninja Mountain to Attain Artists’ Enlightenment

Jon Hodgson from Ninja Mountain
Patrick McEvoy from Ninja Mountain
Jeremy McHugh from Ninja Mountain

Podcasts are great in that they are so specific.  Do you like Brand X comics made from 1977 to the spring of 1981?  Then you may be able to find a few like minded individuals to broadcast your devotion to the world via the magic of podcasting.

While the new show from Ninja Mountain isn’t quite that geeky, it does speak to a specific subset of illustrators – those who through misfortune and a love for the hobby paper gaming industry, have chosen to work in the specific field of fantasy and science fiction illustration for role playing and card games.

Having done quite a bit of work in this area myself, I found myself intensely listening to the show — giggling in agreement at times and of course jealous as all hell of the assembled talent on the show. The current cast includes Jon Hodgson, Patrick McEvoy, my friend Jeremy McHugh, and occasional guest artists.  The hour long show is like listening in to a conversation between friends at an industry convention — the topics are wide ranging and scattershot but there are nuggets of gold for the aspiring freelancer.

Written by in February of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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