Stephanie D. Lostimolo

It can be dangerous to use the ‘F’ word with discussing a certain type of fantasy artwork, because it has such a negative connotation for many people. But in this case, it just can’t be helped: Stephanie Lostimolo’s Nethersphere showcases the best Furry art I’ve seen in a dog’s age. Her design, technique and detail all work together to easily transcend and redefine the word.
The genre is more formally known as Anthropomorphic Art, and is usually associated with wacky cartoon creatures. At its best, however, it melds the features of humans and another animal into a being which is more expressive and evocative than either. Ms. Lostimolo excels in achieving this pinnacle of creative synergy, and with each piece, she pushes “Furry” a little closer into the mainstream of “Fantasy”.
Written by Jeff in November of 2004. Last edited September 2014.