
Cuddly Cuttlefish

image by Veronica V. Jones

Meg Lyman

A small winged cuttlefish floats in front of a large octopus.
A green tree frog with bright red and yellow spots sporting a party hat.
A cow-colored cuttlefish with horns and an udder, a.k.a. Cowthulu.

While it is generally known that the surface of the Earth is two-thirds water, few realize that less than five percent of our oceans have been explored. With so little known of the briny deep, no one can conclusively deny the existence of the charming cephalopodic creatures so finely crafted by Meg Lyman.

Octopuses, squid and and cuttlefish populate the magical waters of Ms. Lyman’s illustrated imagination, each with their own distinct personalities. Whatever the demeanor of these undersea subjects, each — replete with weapons, accessories and haberdashery as needed — is wildly cuter than the last.

When Meg’s whimsy bursts forth onto dry land, antic aardvarks, frolicsome frogs and other cavorting critters are the inevitable result. Nevertheless, it’s an easy bet that her heart belongs to the sea.

Written by in September of 2009. Last edited April 2017.

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