
Fantastic Complexity

image by Veronica V. Jones

Mark Winters

A slender woman with snakes for hair stands defiantly.
An armored man sits regally.
An elf woman in green clothing draws her bow in the forest.

Those unfamiliar with fantasy and science fiction works may have the impression that these genres offer a simplistic escape from a world of complexity, but Mark Winters‘ compelling, yet conflicted characterizations tell a different tale.

What at first might seem to be simple warriors and wizards, reveal themselves to the patient viewer as somber, nuanced expressions of archetypal heroes and villains. Rendered in rich colors and deep shadows, Mr Winters reveals high fantasy and science fiction settings dominated by introspective, thoughtful souls.

These war-worn men and women engage in epic battles and dramatic confrontations seemingly as a byproduct of their fierce inner struggles. Whatever their intentions and actions, each seems convinced that their battles are just. Mark does not appear to judge their intentions, leaving that to the viewer alone.

Written by in August of 2010. Last edited September 2014.

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