
image by Veronica V. Jones

Florence Chan

A young man with brown hair wields an ornate sword.
A watercolor painting of Gunnm from Battle Angel Alita.
Vincent from the Cowboy Bebop Movie.
A young woman with long black hair and a long green cloak holds a long, ornate staff.

With so much war and strife in our world, it’s odd that so much of fantasy art concentrates on the chaotic, war-torn eras of history and unhistory. Fortunately, you’ll find a welcome respite to the fray in Florence Chan‘s artwork. Her gentle watercolor snapshots of fey and human folk elegantly convey peace and inner strength.

Many of Ms. Chan’s characters have an obvious connection to nature. In a few instances, her figures are inseparable from their organic environment. Perhaps this connection to the natural world explains the grounded, yet spiritual nature of Florence’s work.

Can you feel it too?

Florence has a newer site, but it’s nearly fantasy free.

Written by in April of 2006. Last edited September 2014.

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