Patrick McEvoy

A pale woman in a low-cut dress stands in front of a glowing bowl. A bearded man in robes angrily wields two daggers. An emotional chimpanzee wearing x-ray specs views its own skeletal hand.

From the subtly sinister to the unspeakably evil, Patrick McEvoy has expertly captured the creeping, compelling horror of the Cthulu mythos. A key point of any Lovecraftian story is the sudden loss of innocence — usually replaced by abject fear — that comes with confronting the Old Ones. With Mr. McEvoy’s help, it’s easy to understand this ghastly revelation.

Patrick is also comfortable in the realm of …read more

Michael Komarck

A muscular man holding a pistol is surrounded by ravens A white-haired woman in an ornate blue kimono brandishes a katana. A brave archer faces down a fierce red dragon.