
Modern Sci-Fi Masterpieces... Mostly

image by Veronica V. Jones

Post-Blade Runner Science Fiction Standouts

Angry Kaneda from Akira.
An alien? from District 9.
District 9
Carl Urban as Judge Dredd from Dredd.
Rufus Sewell as John Murdoch in Dark City.
Dark City

A short while ago, The AV Club celebrated the release of Blade Runner 2049 with a list of The 35 best science-fiction movies since Blade Runner. I’ve added The Host to my must-see list, and will try yet again to stay awake for all of Brazil, but I’ve seen the other 33. With that knowledge, I humbly offer a few replacements.

I know I deeply hated A.I. Artificial Intelligence, but all I can remember is the horrible, pointless ending. Let’s replace this film with Akira. Those kids have it pretty rough too, but at least there’s a little light at the end of the Neo Tokyo tunnel. OK, a lot of light.

Of course Jurassic Park was groundbreaking, but I can’t really consider a little genetic hand waving real science fiction. Karl Urban as the judge named Dredd was a much more satisfying resurrected dinosaur.

I know I’ve watched Upstream Color, and I’m sure I could watch it a few more times without understanding anything at all about it. It might’ve touched on themes of transformation, so I’d recommend District 9 instead.

Finally, I have to ask again… haven’t you guys ever seen Dark City?

Written by in March of 2019. Last edited March 2019.

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