
image by Veronica V. Jones

The Doctor is In… and Out!

Christoper Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor
Billie Piper as the Doctor's companion Rose.

American audiences are being treated to the ninth incarnation of the enigmatic icon know throughout time and space simply as ‘the Doctor’. Running weekly on the Sci Fi Channel, The 2005 season of Doctor Who is a worthy standard-bearer for the longest running English language television series.

With Christopher Eccleston as the eponymous Doctor, and Billie Piper as his eager sidekick Rose, the enduring — and mildly creepy — dynamic of experienced, unhinged older man and naive, barely legal young woman doing battle with campy villains in rubber suits is winningly played in the very first episode! From there, they journey figuratively and literally to the ends of the earth, expertly mingling very modern issues and nostalgic camp.

While the ’05 season has just gotten underway here in the states, the UK has less than two weeks to wait for the newest season, and the newest Doctor. Sadly, Mr. Eccleston’s tour of duty was but one year. Let us hope that the more he changes, the more Doctor Who stays the same.

Written by in April of 2006. Last edited June 2015.

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  • Mark - May 12th, 2006 at 9:49 pm

    Eccelston’s doctor brings the style of Jon Pertwee, the menace of Colin Baker, and a certain sense of Patrick Troughton. The biggest problem that I think faces the new series (both series 1 and 2) is addressing new fans while placating the older ones.

    Granted, Eccelston did indeed set the bar, but he’s done that in such work as ‘Elizabeth’ and most notably to me in ’28 Day Later’. I think that his tenor was a necessity to restart the franchise, but the episodes run the gambit. I think that ‘Dalek’ is clearly the best, with some of the middle episodes waning in their ability to keep the momentum towards a concise storytelling arc.

    Eccelston, we hardly knew ye.

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