
Enigmatic Visions

image by Veronica V. Jones

Chain and Jane

A four-armed woman with elaborate jewelry and flowing robes.
A demonic figure with large horns and bulky armor conjures fire.
A beautiful woman stands serenely underwater.

Jiansong Chen and Jie Jiu — as Chain & Jane — work together to create a unified, hyper-realistic fantasy characterscape.

Nearly every image in their gallery is richly colored and heavy with detail, but there’s also a weightlessness in even the most gothic of female figures that supports an undertone of power and action. The men — and male creatures — are more solid, but are still either caught in action or ready to pounce.

Chain and Jane seem most comfortable in the worlds of Horror and Dark Fantasy. The somber, confident characters they create seem to revel in the chaos. Thanks to the masterful skill of this enigmatic duo, you will too.

Their site seems to have faded away, so check out Jiansong Chen’s CG Society Gallery to see more of their compelling art.

Written by in March of 2005. Last edited March 2017.

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