
image by Veronica V. Jones

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

Ben Browder as John Chrichton.
Claudia Black as Aeryn Sun.
Wayne Pygram as Scorpius.
Ben Browder as John Chrichton and Claudia Black as a pregnant Aeryn Sun.

Farscape makes a triumphant, if not lengthy return to television next month, with the four hour mini-series Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars. The scifi channel will run the first two hour installment on Sunday, October 17th, then all four hours on the following day; Monday, October 18th. It’s not the fifth season we were promised, but it’s a start.

Many people — including us — will be tuning in to ‘skiffy’ for the first time in two years to watch this long overdue series wrap-up. When the new mini has quickly run its course, will anyone be surprised when ‘Scapers start demanding a movie?

Written by in September of 2004. Last edited September 2014.

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